mandag den 20. april 2009

Thank you, Beata :-)

Jammenaltså! Her går man lige og har lidt småondt af sig selv, og så kommer posten...
Tusind, tusind tak til Beata, som har sendt den søde pude til mig - all the way from Vancouver, Canada :-) Jeg elsker blogland!

Jeg var så heldig at blive udtrukket som en af to vindere for et stykke tid siden, og dengang lovede Beata mig at hun ville vælge en pude for mig. Jeg var nemlig ikke selv i stand til at udpege en favorit blandt de mange fine varianter. Det eneste jeg kunne sige var, at jeg elskede den strikkede tekstur, men farvemæssigt måtte hun tage over.

Det gjorde hun så - og jeg er glad :-) Nu får vi se, om jeg er i stand til at beholde puden for mig selv, eller om øglerne kommer op at slås om den når de kommer hjem i dag...

Translation. Sort of...:
Well, whattayouknow! There I were, feeling all sorry for myself, and then the mail(wo)man shows up...

Thank you, thank you so much Beata, who sent the lovely pillow for me - all the way from Vancouver, Canada :-) I love Blogland!

I was lucky enough to be drawn as one of two winners a while back, and at the time, Beata promised me, that she would pick a pillow for me. I wasn´t capable of picking out a clear favourite among the many pretty items. The only thing I could say was, that I loved the knitted texture, but colourwise she would have to make the pick.

So she did - and I´m happy :-) Now, time will tell, if I am able to keep the pillow to myself, or if the little lizzards will end up in a fistfight over it when they come home today...

Thanks, Beata :-)

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